Wednesday, November 30, 2005

And it has begun!

Oh Christmas Season, how you want to rob my bank account.

Today, I went on an attempt to buy Christmas presents today with Mel and Jodi. Pretty unsuccessful. What I need to do is write out a list of who I need to buy for. That's my problem. I just need to be more organized than maybe inspiration will hit me when deciding what to buy for people.

There's always those people that you have trouble buying for because there's a WHOLE bunch of options. You know that person SO well that you can think of a MILLION things to get them. Now, it's just a matter of deciding what is worthy of being the amazing Christmas present.

Then there are those people who you are good friends with but still would have no idea what to get them because a) they either own EVERYTHING...or b) they are picky and don't like anything...or c) i don't know, they are just plain and simple HARD to buy for.

So either way, it's a tough call...Christmas shopping is like trying to find a perfect dress. Stressful and more likely than not, unsuccessful.

So there you have it, Christmas shopping mission #1 --- Unsuccessful.

The mission continues...


Blogger invitationinside said...

to the first type of people...they will think anything you buy them is amazing and everything is wonderful!

to the second type of people they don't deserve anything..bah humbug

4:22 p.m.  

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